volatile fatty acid

英 [ˈvɒlətaɪl ˈfæti ˈæsɪd] 美 [ˈvɑːlətl ˈfæti ˈæsɪd]




  1. A simple method is described that can be used to determine bicarbonate and volatile fatty acid in wastewater by a two-stage sequential titration.
  2. Relationship of total volatile fatty acid, gas production and feed nutrients in vitro
  3. Alkalinity improved production of volatile fatty acid from anaerobic fermentation of textile dyeing sludge
  4. A volatile pressing oil HC-L200 was formulated with hydrotreated narrow fraction light base oil, fatty acid ester lubricant and additives, such as homemade wetting agent and compounded antirust agent.
  5. Research on accumulation characteristics of volatile fatty acid in an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor
  6. The effects of the new and old tapping systems, different stimulation intensity and different tapping frequency on the volatile fatty acid number ( VFANo.)
  7. The effects of free unsaturated fatty acid ( FFAM) and vegetable oils on pH, total volatile fatty acid ( TVFA) and pure cellulose degradation by mixed ruminal microbes were studied in a 4 × 4 factorial experiment with in vitro static incubation method.
  8. The results indicated that the total volatile matter content and the content of the volatile matters with low polarity and boiling points increased with the storage time, and the content of the volatile matter with high polarity corrected with its fatty acid value in power function relationship.
  9. Relationship between Tapping Systems and Volatile Fatty Acid Number of Natural Rubber Latex
  10. Rumen Ciliate Protozoal Fauna and Volatile Fatty Acid Concentration of Buffalo in China
  11. Study on the methods of determination of volatile fatty acid in the rumen liquid of lambs by gas chromatography
  12. In recent years, many researches showed that it contains not only some inorganic elements but also alkaloid, volatile oil, flavonol, saccharide, steroid, glycoside, fatty acid, fatty acid ester, and aryl compounds.
  13. C-labelled propionate and-14C-glucose were used as a tracer to measure the percentage of glucose carbon from propionate and glucose turnover of the sheep sustained by intragastric nutrition when volatile fatty acid mixtures with three acetate to propionate ratios were infused.
  14. Studies on Utilizing Ammonium Salts of Volatile Fatty Acid ( AS-VFA) in Hu Sheep In vitro and experiments of digestion and metabolism in forestomach
  15. The removal rate of COD is about 70%; the concentration of volatile fatty acid should be monitored in the anaerobic treatment of the wastewater.
  16. The SA-time curve of blood CO2 was measured after the infusion of 14C-acetate into the body through jugular vein catheter. Only the acetate: propionate ratio of the volatile fatty acid mixtures infused into the rumen were changed in different treatments.
  17. Study on the relation between volatile fatty acid number and electric conductivity of natural rubber latex
  18. The 72 rice samples which had been stored in different regions for different periods of time were analyzed, and the relationship between the volatile matters and storage time and fatty acid value was investigated.
  19. The mechanism of thermophilic anaerobic treatment of organic wastewater and the influence of temperature, pH, loading rate, volatile fatty acid and the carrier on the degradation process are discussed.
  20. The chemical components of the volatile oil and the fatty acid from Coriandrum seeds have been analyzed by GC-MS;
  21. Effect of ISCA on volatile fatty acid and cellulose disappearance in rumen
  22. At the same time, the total volatile fatty acid and activity of fatty acid hydrolyses is increased, but the activity of cellulose hydrolysis enzymes and amylase is decreased.
  23. Moreover, total volatile fatty acids were not affected by addition of salinomycin, although propionic acid concentrations were increased as the level of salinomycin increased but butyric acid concentrations were significantly decreased by addition of salinomycin.
  24. The sensitivity of volatile fatty acid ( VFA) to environment acidity was much greater than pH value, so VFA could reflect the environmental change inside the reactor more accurately and quickly.
  25. The experiment studied the anaerobic digestion regularity and the limiting organic load of hogwash waste grease, by monitoring and analyzing the pH value, volatile fatty acid ( VFA), ammonia nitrogen, alkalinity, gas production and gas composition.
  26. Waste activated sludge ( WAS) contains large amounts of organic matter. Hydrolysis and acidification of WAS can reduce the sludge concentration and the production of volatile fatty acid ( VFAs) can be used as carbon source of biological nutrient removal technology.